Newborns typically eat every two to three hours, or eight to 12 times a day.
During the first weeks of life, your baby will nurse anywhere from 8 to 12 times per day. Moms may want to start by nursing 10–15 minutes on each breast and then adjust as required. After the first week or two, you and your baby will likely settle into a somewhat predictable nursing pattern.
It's important to remember that every child is different. Some babies will want to eat more frequently than others. Don't be alarmed if your baby wants to nurse more often than what is considered "normal." Just follow your baby's lead and trust your instincts. If you're concerned about your baby's eating habits, talk to your child's doctor.
When your baby is hungry, breastfeed on demand (every 1–3 hours). Newborns will nurse less frequently as they grow older and have longer periods of time between feedings. formula-fed newborn babies will take around 2–3 ounces every 2–4 hours. Newborns should not be denied food for more than 4–5 hours.
Signs that your baby is hungry include:
- Turning their head towards your breast
- Opening their mouth
- Smacking their lips
- Sucking on their tongue or fingers
- Puckering their lips
- Fussing or crying
Crying is often a late sign of hunger in newborns. If you wait until your baby is crying to feed them, they may be too upset to eat.
Like I mentioned before, if you have any concerns about your baby's weight gain or eating habits, talk with your child's healthcare provider.
It's not necessary to follow a feeding regimen — you and your kid will develop a routine. When babies are hungry, they let their parents know. Signs that your baby is full (such as slowing down, spitting out the bottle or unlatching from the breast, turning away from the breast or bottle) should be watched for; when these appear, stop the feed.
Your baby will want to eat more frequently as he or she gets older, and he or she can go longer between feedings. Other times, your infant may appear to be hungrier than normal. Continue to nurse or offer on demand if you are a nursing mother. Breastfeeding promotes breast milk production, so your breasts will adjust to your baby's need for it. If you are bottle-feeding, you may need to increase the amount of formula you give him or her.
If you're a mother and are reading this blog, please feel free to leave your own suggestions and what works for you in the comments area below!
By: April Carson