The Moms' Survival Guide: 12 Great Tips For Newborn Babies

The Moms' Survival Guide: 12 Great Tips For Newborn Babies

Your newborn baby may begin to move more actively after a few weeks of life, but we understand the effect on parents can be rather the opposite.

Babies tend to move their heads from side to side, legs up and down, open and shut hands. If you notice that your baby makes these movements constantly, it means that they are good and healthy.

According to Dr. Sara, a pediatrician at NUH. These movements are the baby's way of exploring its surroundings and learning about them.

Here are our top recommendations for new moms:

#1: Breastfeed as often as possible to meet your baby's needs, but don't feel guilty if you're not able to do so.

Breastfeeding is one of the best things that can happen to a newborn. If you don't breastfeed, that's OK! You shouldn't feel guilty about feeding your baby with formula.

#2: Take naps when your baby does. This will greatly help you cope with a lack of sleep better.

If your baby is sleeping, you should take the time to rest. If you don't get enough sleep for about 3 months, there isn't any reason to worry since it won't harm your baby.

#3: You don't have to keep quiet when the baby is sleeping.

If the baby is sleeping, this doesn't mean you have to stay quiet. You can move around and do whatever you want!

#4: It's OK if your child sleeps in bed with you.

If it makes you sleep better, there's no reason for your baby not to share your bedroom.

#5: Don't hesitate to take a break if you need it.

When you feel like you can't cope anymore, the best thing is to go out for a walk with your baby or another family member who can help you.

#6: Don't wake up a sleeping baby for feedings.

If the baby sleeps after drinking, it means their stomach has been filled and there is no need to feed again.

#7: Get help when you need it.

Don't hesitate to ask for help from your partner or family when you feel overwhelmed with the baby care. It will save your energy!

#8: Soothe Your Crying Newborn

As much as you might want to, don't ignore your crying baby or just let them cry. Instead, be responsive and attentive in the early months of your child's life since this will help to build a healthy parent-child relationship .

#9: Help Your Child Connect with Dad

Make sure you give your kid plenty of alone time with Dad. His touch and voice are distinct from yours, which will begin a bonding process and allow you to unwind. It also gets the baby accustomed to being in the presence of someone other than you. The first few times might be difficult. As long as you can, feed and rest your baby for at least one or two hours before the next feeding. Then let Dad and baby be on their own.

#10: Baby's First Baths

After the baby's umbilical cord stump falls off (usually by week 3), you'll be able to give them a proper bath for the first time. To keep the infant warmer, more comfortable, and less inclined to cry, cover their tummy with a warm washcloth during bathing.

#11: Know the Signs Of Baby Hunger

Your newborn will usually be hungry every 2 or 3 hours until s/he reaches about 4 months of age. If your baby wakes up crying before you usually feed him/her, then try to offer a little bit of food from the bottle or from your breast.

#12: Be Prepared

At 3 weeks, babies' days and nights become more predictable, allowing you to focus on yourself as well as your newborn. Reducing your stress level is one approach to do that - and having everything ready for your hungry baby and yourself is one way to do it.


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Love this! Needed the pointers

Bobbi Carson

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